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The History and Philosophy of Hellenistic Astrology

The History and Philosophy of Hellenistic Astrology 

Articles on the history and reasoning of Hellenistic crystal gazing.

1.The Planetary Joys and the Origins of the Significations of the Houses and Triplicities – another paper on the delights of the planets and the part they played in persuading improvement of the meanings of the houses and the task of the four traditional components to the indications of the zodiac.

2.Did Ptolemy Use Whole Sign Houses? – An examination of references to the "houses" or "places" (topoi) in Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos, exhibiting that entire sign houses was his essential strategy for house division.

3.Entry on Hellenistic Astrology in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy by Marilynn Lawrence – A fantastic outline of the connection between Hellenistic soothsaying and the diverse philosophical schools in the old world.

4.The Transmission of Hellenistic Astrology to India – An article that examines the connection amongst Hellenistic and Indian crystal gazing, and a particular authentic speculation about the transmission of Hellenistic soothsaying to India in the second century.

5.The Antikythera Mechanism Was Used for Astrology – A contention that the reason for the multi year old mechanical PC known as the Antikythera Mechanism was plainly celestial, and that its revelation can elucidate the verifiable causes of Hellenistic crystal gazing.

6.The Zodiac of Dendera – Pictures, video and discourse about the popular first century BCE Egyptian zodiac from within the Hathor sanctuary at Dendera.

The Techniques of Hellenistic Astrology

Articles on systems and pragmatic ideas in Hellenistic crystal gazing.

1.Whole Sign Houses – An article on the first type of house division, known as entire sign houses, which was the essential arrangement of house division utilized as a part of Hellenistic crystal gazing.

2.The Sect of the Planets – The refinement amongst day and night outlines, and the division of the planets into two groups or factions.

3.How to Calculate the Lot of Fortune – A video exhibiting how to figure Lots outwardly, utilizing the Lot of Fortune as the essential case.

4.The Theoretical Rationale Underlying the Seven Hermetic Lots – This paper investigates the seven "Hermetic" Lots that show up in crafted by the fourth century crystal gazer Paul of Alexandria and his analyst Olympiodorus, and proposes a hypothetical method of reasoning hidden their development.

5.Serapio of Alexandria: Definitions – interpreted by Eduardo Gramaglia for the Hellenistic Astrology Website. An aggregation of excepts from a Greek celestial content ascribed to Serapio.

The Hellenistic Astrologers

Full histories of every one of the real soothsayers and sources from the Hellenistic custom can be found on our Hellenistic crystal gazers page.

Different incidental articles on the different Hellenistic stargazers can be found beneath:

1.Timeline of Ancient Astrologers – A succinct course of events of the greater part of the major Hellenistic crystal gazers, incorporating some critical dates ever of.

Charts and Tables

Charts and tables for particular prophetic ideas and methods, in PDF organize.

1.Planetary Rulerships Table – conventional rulers, Egyptian limits, Dorothean triplicity masters.

2.Triplicity Rulers – as indicated by Dorotheus, Valens, and Rhetorius.

3.Joys of the Planets – as indicated by Firmicus, Paulus, Rhetorius, and Olympiodorus.

4.Enclosure and Intervention – as indicated by Antiochus and Porphyry.

5.Right and Left Sided Configurations – as indicated by Antiochus and Porphyry.

6.The Dodekatopos – connotations as per Hermes Trismegistus (first century BCE).

7.The Octotopos – connotations of the spots as indicated by Asclepius (first century BCE).

8.The Twelve Places – meanings as indicated by Valens (second century CE).


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